Start 3

Please read Start 1 and Start 2 before this page.

This page will be updated soon....I gotta go surf!!! :)

The CURRENT Season does not need qualification.

Special conditions for qualifying Seasons.

In order to start earning points for the team or take part in
duels, you need to be qualified for the day. No points are
earned until you qualify.

To qualify you need to do this.......

At least Tier 3 of the Daily Challenge. Tier 1 is collecting
the 50 badge. Tier 2 - 100. Tier 3 - 250. Tier 4 - 500. Tier
5 is 1000.

3 Vaults. That is collecting the keys every 77 pages at
the listed exchanges under Gold Vault and Silver Vault.

Collect both keys at the Gold Vault and it will open the
vault. That counts as one.

Collect both keys at the Silver Vault and it will open the
vault. That counts as one also.

Collecting one silver and one gold key will not open a
vault(that has been a question before).

3 Sub Games. Collect the 4 mines at the 4 sites listed
under SUB GAME. That will activate a SUB GAME
card to play. Play 3 and save any more that you get.

If you have done the above, you are now qualified.

After you are qualified for the day, every - vault, sub
game, 1 million XP, eggs etc. that you collect - will be
points for the team.

will change every day. Just check CTP to see which
sites are active for the day.

I hope that helped but if not, I'm here for ANY question.

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